Reopening offices during COVID19 pandemic is not an easy and simple task as it involved managing a lot of risk.
While in most cases remote working remains the default for the unforeseeable future, some people in your organisation may need to return to the office in a limited capacity.
By doing so, safeguarding the health & safety of people remains top priority and providing a digital means of helping out office managers and/or risk leaders in your organisation is key.
Why not using your existing 4me Enterprise Management Platform for enabling the business and managing the risks that goes along.
Your Risk / Health & Safety department will be very thankfull and no development skills are required. !
Steps required :
Create a Survey (simple request form including ui-extensions)
Collect the feedback from your users
Use a second identical ui-extension that is amended with an additional selection field that your risk & safety department can manage
Provide a real-time Dashboard to Monitor, Track and Measure
Request Template 1 - including 2 UI-Extensions

Request Template 2 - copy of Request Template 1 + added 1 additional field only visible to internal specialist. This template is used to provide a response to the requester and makes sure all field are correctly filled in and recommendation.
Simply open the request in edit mode, the 2 request templates show up on the right side. Select the 2nd template that allows the safety & risk team to provide a recommendation. All the data provided by the first template will be re-used and an additional field will be added where the team can select the recommendation.

Dashboard only including Open & Complete Requests + filtered on the UI-extension fields
